TWENDE (Tanzania Women Entrepreneurs Network & Development Exposition) is working towards the development of women by organizing a large scale networking event, involving more than 100 of the nation’s diverse female business owners - from small to large scale industries – and women involved in government and non-governmental organizations.

“TWENDE (Tanzania Women Entrepreneurs Network & Development Exposition) is dedicated to providing opportunities for companies to connect, while meeting the business goals of attendees. It is a full networking experience and the very best place to showcase your company's products and services before key decision makers. In addition to a first-class exposition with more than 100 exhibitors, the exposition is paired with a two-day conference, offering a whole host of seminars and education sessions under one roof”, Explains Mustafa Hassanali, Organiser of the Event
The main objectives for having this big event for women’s entrepreneurs are:

Promoting the role of women in national development by recognizing the potential and achievements of women entrepreneurs, including those with disabilities, in employment creation.

Showcasing women entrepreneurs as role models

Promoting women’s entrepreneurship development

Disseminating information on good business practices

Promoting “Made In Tanzania” product patriotism

Providing a platform for small, medium, large scale and NGO women’s enterprises to showcase annually in an organized professional format, exhibiting their products and services collectively

To create national, regional and international links between women entrepreneurs.

“TWENDE is a Two day Exposition which shall not only comprise of an Exhibition but also Seminar/Workshop to Give Women Entrepreneurs the Tricks of the Trade to Succeed in the Men Dominated Economy” Concluded Hassanali.

Tanzania Women Entrepreneurs Network & Development Exposition (TWENDE) will bring together women entrepreneurs and activists from Tanzania together under one roof. This shall include a combination of product/service exhibition, and workshop which of latter shall include an interaction program with inspirational role models and women business leaders who have made an outstanding contribution to society and in the business community.

TWENDE will be Held on 16 & 17 of September at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in Dar es Salaam .
TWENDE message:
Mimi Mwanamke, Mimi mjasiriamali
Nikiwezeshwa ninaweza
Mwanamke maendeleo

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